Selected Media & Citations

Selected media mentions and citations for the POSSIBLE/Mobium In Nature We Trust social trends report and Mobium Living LOHAS consumer trends research from 2007.

‘Seismic shift’: Younger Australians reject idea humans have right to use nature for own benefit, survey shows. The Guardian

ESG and the Boardroom: Why companies need to appoint more young directors. Australian Financial Review

Green is the bottom line, not the top dressing. Australian Surf Business Magazine

The biggest business you never heard of. The Age

More consumers go green but shoppers still sceptical about eco claims. Herald Sun

Green the go for consumers. Sydney Morning Herald

World of flat-screen television recharged. Sydney Morning Herald

Consumers more wary of ‘green’ claims. Sydney Morning Herald

What Green Professionals Need to Know About LOHAS. Sourceable

Keen to be green and seen. The Weekend Australian

What’s in a label? CSIRO

Steps on the green scale. Sydney Morning Herald

Community expects government to act on climate change. Ethical Investor

The Gospel of Sustainability: Media, Market, and LOHAS. Illinois University Press

Opportunities Beyond Carbon: Looking Forward to a Sustainable World. Melbourne University Press

Consumer buying behavior and attitudes towards eco-friendly fast moving consumer goods – cosmetics & personal care products. 2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference

Sustainable solutions for modern economies. Royal Society of Chemistry

Turning Green into Gold? The rise and risks of green trade marks and branding. Griffith Hack

Quantifying the impact of attitudes on shift towards sustainable modes. Australasian Transport Research Forum.

Chickens, Ants, Grasshoppers and Pigs: Proposed Segmentation Approach in the Field of Sustainability Living. Australasian Marketing Journal

Sustainability and fashion in textiles: Redefining ‘Made in Australia’. Routledge

Greentailing': A key to thriving in recession?' ANZMAC

The Field of Sustainability Living. LaTrobe University